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Quality, Automation and AI

Interruption Testing

Interruption Testing

Mobile testing is an essential component of every software testing cycle. Every application needs to function flawlessly across thousands of…
Reflection and Resolutions-5 lessons

Reflections and Resolutions: Top 5 Lessons Learned in Testing This Year

Here are 5️⃣ lessons I learned or relearned this year in testing: Test design techniques are a great way to…
Tips and tricks

Start building AI-powered self-healing end-to-end tests

  • Record and configure tests fast
  • Minimize test maintenance
  • Scale your team and projects
Mobile App Testing Checklist

Mobile App Testing Checklist

Testing mobile applications is an essential step in the development process that confirms the software runs without a hitch on…

Revolutionizing Software Testing: The Power of AI in Action

What’s all the buzz about testing software with artificial intelligence (AI)? Let's start with a basic definition--AI is the simulation…
AI, Agile
How to work with Developer Tools as a tester

Developer Tools for Testers

As a tester, chances are you work with a web app (mobile apps have gained a lot of ground lately,…
Best Practices