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WEBINAR SUMMARY: Is AI Taking Over Front End Testing

Web applications are constantly changing to help businesses differentiate or remain competitive. Each change to the frontend has the potential…

By Testim,

Web applications are constantly changing to help businesses differentiate or remain competitive. Each change to the frontend has the potential to break functional tests. Is AI the answer? In this webinar, we discussed the challenges of frontend testing, backed by results of a Testim survey. We showed how test automation frameworks have evolved, and how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can create a new path forward for test automation.

We covered:

  • What is browser testing and why it’s hard to automate
  • Fundamentals of AI and ML
  • How ML can be applied to test automation

Watch the recording here:

Here are a couple questions we received.

Q. How dynamic charts will be verified in Testim io? –

A. Testim supports parameters and dynamic charts with data elements can be verified using parameterization by comparing dynamic values with pre-populated parameters.


Q. Is a good opportunity to talk about group context and iterators?

A. Group context and iterators are approaches to execute tests across multiple items in a list or table by recording a single scenario with one item (which provides the context). We can elaborate on it if needed with a demonstration.


Q. can you provide more details on how to implement/manage “wait” via testim –

A. Waits are used to synchronize test execution with application load performance. More information can be found here:


Q. Is a good chance to discuss implicit waits?

A. Information about Waits can be found here: We can definitely discuss and demonstrate the feature if needed.


Q. How do you identify the locators/identifiers to be used in the model –

A. Testim uses proprietary algorithms to identify and locate elements using the DOM, attributes and attribute values.

If you have further questions feel free to visit us at where you can reach us on intercom.

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