Live demos are back. See Testim Mobile in action on Feb 21 | Save your spot

Automate web and mobile testing with AI

Accelerate test authoring, reduce test maintenance, and release higher-quality apps faster.

Grow test coverage faster

Build high-quality tests more easily and quickly without the need for coding.

Eliminate costly maintenance

AI and ML smart locators let your tests keep working even as your applications change.

Identify and resolve problems

Diagnose failed tests, finding the root cause to release faster.

Scale app quality

Expand testing capacity through TestOps, app and test management, and critical insights.

Fast, flexible authoring. Unmatched stability. Efficiency at scale.

Modern web and mobile UI test automation for product development teams.

  • Author Create stable tests faster

    Quickly record and configure web and mobile tests. Leverage the flexibility of customized JavaScript steps when you need it.

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  • Maintain Tests you can trust

    AI-powered smart locators understand your app, lock in elements, and automatically improve to deliver unmatched stability and reduce maintenance.

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  • Troubleshoot Diagnose and resolve failures

    Speed up failure analysis using error aggregation, root cause suggestions, screenshots, and logs. Find and fix issues quickly without needing specialized expertise and use generative AI to quickly find answers to your questions.

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  • TestOps Scale quality initiatives easier

    Control changes, simplify management of tests and teams, and gain insights that prove your app’s quality and where to focus testing.

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Flexibile testing environments

Run parallel, cross-browser web tests on our cloud or Selenium-compatible grids. Execute mobile tests on physical or virtual devices in the cloud, third-party grids, or your local devices.

Integrate with your CI/CD process to run tests on code check-ins, end-to-end tests for releases to production, or regular, schedule full regression suites.

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Tricentis Test Management for Jira

Better together with Testim

  • AI-powered test case generation and management
  • Test automation seamlessly connected to Jira
  • Simplify setup, management, and analysis of test cases in Jira

Companies that collaborate with Testim

The friction of adding new tests with Testim is much lower than with Selenium, any staff member can add tests.

After the six hour workshop the teams had created 120 E2E tests, 80 of which are still running today.

Testim integrates well with tools we already use including Saucelabs, Jira and Github. The Testim CLI allows us to refine how we run tests to suit our needs.

We can deploy our code confidently, because we know if it passes our Testim tests it will work for our users.

Reduced time to write stable tests from 1-2 days to 20-30 minutes, a savings of over 95%

  • Jenkins
  • CircleCI
  • Jira
  • Slack
  • GitHub
  • Codeship
  • Applitools
  • Browserstack
  • TestRail
  • Sauce Labs
  • Travis CI
  • TeamCity

Fit your process

Testim integrates with the tools you already use so you can stay in your flow.

Learn about integrations

Start testing with Testim