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Quality, Automation and AI

How to work with Developer Tools as a tester

Developer Tools for Testers

As a tester, chances are you work with a web app (mobile apps have gained a lot of ground lately,…
Best Practices
Software Testing Basics

What Is Software Testing? All the Basics You Need to Know

Picture this. Your organization has been working hard on its product for two years. The release of the first version…

Test Case Design: a Guide for QA Engineers With Examples

It's very important to apply the determined processes in the best way to develop successful software. In particular, software tests…
Best Practices

Testim for a Github-based CI/CD with a Selenium grid managed cluster — pt. 2

This is blog part 2 of 2 in a series written by one of the Testim startup plan customers, Riccardo…
Guest Blog

Test Strategy vs Test Plan: Managing QA in the Enterprise

The software testing world sometimes includes too much confusing jargon. Many expressions sound similar but refer to different concepts. The…

Salesforce Testing: A Practical Guide

Salesforce is a highly popular cloud-based service, and it's expected to continue growing in the coming years. As the world's leading…